Sunday, April 19, 2009

My Dictionary - My Slang

This listing is mostly motorcycle and firearms terms and slang, also words and phrases I just happen to use or see used frequently.

Ape Hangers - Motorcycle handlebars so tall the hand grips are higher than the riders shoulders.

Assault Weapon - A firearm which is capable of firing repeatedly until the trigger is released.

Back seat Betty - A woman or girl riding on the back seat, or back of the seat, on a scoot.

Biker - A motorcyclist who has ridden for many years or tends to ride daily or weekly.

Blue dot - A motorcycle tail light with a translucent blue dot or circle in the center. Why this is supposedly cool I've never heard.

Brain Bucket - Protective helmet, crash helmet.

BOHICA - Bend over, here it comes again.

Cage - All vehicles with four wheels or more, from glass and steel cages.

Cap - To shoot a round of ammunition, from "busting a cap". Refers to striking the primer cap in cartridge ammunition. "Busting caps" came from the practice of firing old ammunition to get rid of it. I think the term was invented during The Nam by American troops.

Centrifugal effect - The stabilization effect of the rotating wheels.

Chippie - (CHP) California Highway Patrol

Colors - The insignia and signs of your motorcycle club. Often shown on vests, jackets and tattoo's. Some clubs (cough) even defend the actual colors used in their colors, or insignia.

Concealed Carry - Carrying a firearm concealed, or hidden. Opposite of open carry.

Counter steering - On a modern motorcycle or bicycle, you push left to go left, push right to go right, once your moving above the centrifugal effect speed.

EBR -Evil Black Rifle - Any rifle which looks even vaguely military and are usually semi-auto (as opposed to full auto, which is a machine gun).

Endo - Flipping over in a forward direction, as in end over end. The opposite of "Loop."

FUBAR - F*cked up beyond all recognition.

Garand Thumb - Pushing in a clip of ammo will close the action. Too slow and it will slam on your thumb.

Gatt - Any gun. Shortened from Gatling gun.

Get off - Unintentionally being separated from a bike. "I had a get off (a crash) but it wasn't my fault."

Harleybago - A Harley touring type motorcycle, overloaded with saddlebags, windscreen, armrests, a trailer, etc. Harley - Winnebago.

Hog - Any big Harley. Also, Harley Owners Group, the only motorcycle club officially sanctioned by Harley-Davidson.

Hondabago - Any touring type motorcycle, but usually a Honda Goldwing, overloaded with saddlebags, windscreen, armrests, a trailer, etc. Honda - Winnebago.

Head shake - Any condition that causes the front forks to shake back and forth. Can result in a tank slapper and usually caused by out of specification triple tree bearings or tightness.

Heater - Any gun, usually a revolver or pistol.

High side - Usually in a fast tight turn, going from low to vertical to down and crashed.

Horridable - So horrible, it's beyond hideous.

Igit - An ignorant idiot.

IIRC - If I Remember Correctly

Lane splitting (sharing) - Driving a between cages, usually done in stalled or very slow traffic.

Lid - A protective helmet.

Loop - Dropping a motorcycle over backwards, opposite of Endo.

Low side - Dropping a motorcycle, usually in a fast tight turn, when it loses traction and falls.

Maroon - Corruption of moron.

Mill - A vehicles engine, usually internal combustion.

Monkey - A reference to the side car rider, usually but not always in a side hack race. The side car is a platform the monkey has to scamper around to balance the rig.

Moto, Motor - Motorcycle

Motocop - A motorcycle riding police officer.

Motorcyclist - A person riding a motorcycle.

One-percenters - A reference to the 1% of motorcyclists who are outlaw bikers.

Open Carry - Openly carrying a firearm. Opposite of concealed carry.

Poser - Someone posing as someone or something they are not.

PSH - Pants Shitting Hysterics

Road rash - The abrasive wounds received from sliding around on the ground after a crash or "get off".

Scooter - Any two wheeled vehicle with an engine.

Scooter Trash - A motorcyclist, biker or anyone who is seriously into motorcycling.

Scope eye - If your eye is too close to the scope, the recoil may bring the scope back into your eye socket and leave a scar.

Second gear wheelies - Pulling a wheelie in second gear as opposed to shifting into second gear while doing a wheelie. Also, third, forth gear wheelies.

Side car - A usually small, one person enclosed seat attached to a motorcycle which requires a third wheel for support.

Side hack - A motorcycle with a side car.

Skid Lid - Protective helmet, crash helmet.

Sled - Any motorcycle.

SNAFU - Situation normal, all f*cked up.

Spit off - A condition that throws a rider off. High sides, tank slappers and collisions, for example.

Squid - A small, fast creature with a small brain. Derisive term for inexperienced, fast riders.

Stragidy - A strategic plan that will, or has, resulted in tragedy.

Stoppie - Breaking so hard the rear wheel lifts off the ground. Often concludes with an Endo.

Tank slapper - A condition that results in the front forks oscillating from stop to stop rapidly.

TEOTWAWKI - The End Of The World As We Know It.

Thompson BBQ - If you touch the cooling fins on Thompson carbine barrels when they're hot, you get burn marks like from a BBQ. I have personally tested this.

Thompson finger - Bumping the butt stock with the bolt locked back (on a semi-auto version) can release the bolt. This seems to only happen when your finger is in the ejector port.

Three-percenter - Refers to the probable percent of the people who actively fought against the British in the Revolutionary War. Also, those advocating immediate restoration of our gun rights.

Triple tree - The part on a front fork where the forks mount to the steering head or shaft.

Wheelie - Lifting the front wheel off the ground under power from the engine.